Touring Brisvegas with Blair Bear
I had a very lovely day last week going walking with my father Blair and his walking mate - Graham.

We got off and walked through the city with dad pointing out new developments and also significant historical buildings on the way (where his dad used to work as the Under Sectretary of QLD many many years ago; where he does his volunteer work at the Leukemia Foundation every week etc etc). I was greeted by name in the Tourist Information office where the lovely ladies seemed to know my Dad by name?! and then taken to Brisbane's best public loos (i could tell you, but i'd have to kill you)

We then worked out that we needed to get a bus to the ferry so waited at a bus stop for a while.The bus finally came but then the bus driver suddenly stopped the bus and announced that he had to go to the loo !!! All of the old ladies on the bus were not too impressed and asked him how long he would be - "it depends" was his response as he disappeared off into one of the city buildings in search of a loo.....he came back to a round of applause and off we set...

We went home via Southbank where there is a beach right in the middle of the city......only in Australia....

Thanks to Dad and Graham for allowing me to walk with them...hopefully I will get another chance to do it again before I go back....I wonder where we will go next time !?!
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