Monday, March 05, 2007

My New Favourite Park

It's taken me a little time (about 2 years to be precise) to fully appreciate my local park. I saw it every now and then and thought it looked quite nice from a distance but always felt it was a place for those "other" types of people who did things like (SHOCK HORROR) jog and walk and do other sporty things at a weekend !!!
Now that I have "become" one of them - I have spending more and more time in these types of places, and you know what? It's actually quite nice....I sometimes just go for a walk by myself and check out the ducks... we like playing hide and seek - there one minute....
gone the next....
I have also started playing tennis there so Naomi and her boyfriend Richard come and play with my mate Elizabeth and I. And of course Alfred the Pug comes too, but usually we just let him umpire, sometimes he's allowed to be "ball pug" if we are feeling generous.
Being Australian, and therefore naturally competitive - Naomi and I immediately paired up and made it an "us v them" here is TEAM AUSTRALIA....
Note, we have the same mascot....I think the last match was 2-2 but Team Australia lost the first round, so we must have a re-match this weekend....


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