RBT's - Random Breath Testing
On December 17, 1982, New South Wales, Australia, introduced random breath testing (RBT).
200 new cops especially recruited for the purpose, conducted nearly 1 million random breath tests within the first year, and the effects of random breath testing were dramatic with an immediate 90-percent decline in road deaths !!! And here I am being stopped for one back in Oz....
I was really nervous and scared and excited because it had literally been years since I'd been stopped. It was a female policewoman who asked me to "blow in the bag" - I had Katy & Aletha in the car with me and we all kept giggling so that made it rather difficult ! I finally managed it but not before making a total fool of myself "have you had a drink tonight" she asked in her very official sounding voice "yes, I had one glass of the jacobs creek shiraz" much to the amusement of my passengers - I'm not sure she needed to hear the brand of wine, but I think she should consider herself lucky I didnt' tell her the year, or the texture, or the, ok ok I don't know what I'm talking about really...
Obviously I was all clear because I would never drink and drive - everyone knows that would be silly - you could spill some !!! Oh, and you'd also be a bloody idiot...
Over here UK police can only carry out a breath test if they believe the driver has been drinking. A spokesperson was quoted as saying "Motorists are already feeling antagonistic over speed cameras and increasing fuel prices and measures like this probably won't help ease the tension" - how ridiculous !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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