I had a lovely visit from my cousin (or is it my second cousin twice removed) Lisa who now lives in Canada. She doesn't get to London often, so when she does, we like to see as much of her as we can ! She was very excited to be allowed use of her sister Trina's exclusive gym bag and proudly displayed it
where ever she went on the tube !!

By the look on Lisa's face, you'd think they didn't have pedestrian crossings in
Canada !

I went round to Trina & Andy's for dinner whilst Lisa was here, and little Toby was very excited to have his
Auntie Lisa around to play with ! Everyone took turns trying on my hat, but I think Toby wins the cute award !

43rd cousin 5 times removed, aka James - was also there to share in the celebrations. It was SUCH a lovely meal, but the most exciting aspect of it for me was the electronic salt and pepper shaker with a built in light !!! (I know, it doesn't take much...)

The gorgeous Maddy proudly shows off her new doll house...

James, Trina and I pose for a "hat themed" family portrait...

We had a really fun night and also used it as an opportunity to catch up with all our family members around the world with a succession of calls to try and work out what the "technical" term for our relationship was exactly (my mum is first cousins with Lisa &
Trinas mum). I'm sure we found out, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was !!! I shall leave you with some nicely
sisterly shots that need to

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