Here I am trying to look important with some exciting camera gear that we got to play with...

These are the two actors in one of the reconstructions we were filming.....loving the mountains in the back drop....

This is the three of us doing a location recce at this cool building in Salt Lake City, Utah - we were working really hard, honest.

We've had a really funny time here and have met some, shall we say, very special people ! My favourite was the homeless man that I met yesterday. He was waiting at the lights with a sign that read "Hungry & Homeless - want anything" so i thought i would up his nutrional input for the day and handed him a bag of apples "thanks" he replied, crestfallen, "if only I had some teeth to chew them with i'd be grateful!!!". I gave him a kit kat instead and he was very happy with wonder he has no teeth....
We flew from Salt Lake to Atlanta last night and as we boarded the steward said to Hugh "have you just flown from Holland?" (Hugh doesn't look nor sound Dutch) "errr no mate I haven't" he replied "why do you ask?". The man pointed to his "Von Dutch" tshirt and stated that he couldn't understand what language we were speaking !! You've got to love Americans...
Anyway - I'm off to bed - will update you on the Florida leg of the trip asap....
It is so cool to see these pictures of your everyday life Sue...looks like you are living your dream!!!!
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