Feeding the Ducks....
I had an amazing day when I first got here hanging out with my very good friend Angela. We met in 1987 at a Busfari (but that's another whole story) and then went to High School together. In fact it was Ang that first taught me about blogging ! Anyway, I digress - so I went to see Angela and her 3 gorgeous children....


and my lovely goddaughter - Audrey (eating chocolate and aptly wearing the shirt I got her from London which reads "I love chips and chocolate and cake")

Ang and I had a nice lunch at a local cafe and then went on the "school run" to pick up all the kids....we played in the backyard for while...

And then we went down to the local park where we feed the ducks (although I think Audrey may have eaten more bread than she gave to the ducks). Thomas was telling me an interesting story about a monster that lived at the bottom of the lake - I tried to control my laughter, but eventually lost it.....kids are soooooo cute !!!

This is purely in excess, but it's not often I see a photo of myself that I like !!!

They really are very adorable children and it was lovely to spend time with them.....

no wonder it is taking you forever to update your blog...you are doing an amazing job...kind of like a travel journal, just online!
the kids had a great time with you...jose keeps asking when he will be seeing you again!
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