Friday, June 23, 2006


I kicked off my birthday celebrations with a bang with a trip to Dreamworld with my friend Angela, her husband Greg and their gorgeous children - Thomas, Joseph and Audrey.We started off with the hour drive to Dreamworld which is halfway between Brisbane and the Gold Coast. To my amusement (or should it be amazement) I discovered that children do actually say "are we there yet?" every 10 minutes or so !! So it's not just something out of The Simpsons....
We started off slowly on the kids rides and then moved our way up to the big kids rides...Audrey loved this game at Wiggle World...
And Joseph spent most of the day trying to find the Wiggles themselves, we had to explain (a couple of times) that they were away on important "wiggle" business in New York.....he didn't let their absence spoil his day....
To be continued...


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