I had a lovely dinner round my mate Mel & Jase's place back in Oz. I lived with Mel for nearly 4 years when she was over here and then Jason moved in with us in the last couple of years. I can tell you one thing for free - their new home they've just built is BLOODY AMAZING compared to any of the tiny, cramped, smelly, popular with strangers and badly decorated places we've ever lived together !!! Here is a tour for you...let's start with the entrance hall....filled with some of mel's momento's from her amazing travels...

And if you look vey closely you may see someone you recognise....

The big screen tele Jason always dreamed about - possibly 3 times the size of the one we had back in Wimbledon ! But I miss all the friends VHSs !!!!

Mel's huge magnet collection that used to feature on our various fridges is now artistically presented on 3 separate steel boards - cool idea....

Jason has made this interesting cabinet and filled it with the shot glasses he collected in his travels, in the background on the shelves are photos of him using the shot glasses !!!

Mum & Dad accompanied me for dinner because Mel & Jason's new place is down the coast and we were down the coast - anyway - the most exciting thing about this picture is the FRIDGE WITH THE ICE MACHINE, a must for any true blue australian home....

Clocks of the world to keep in touch with those international friends...

Another interesting way to display photos in this changing screen thing...

And bottom left is Dunk & Tash & Mel in Russia (they lived with us in London too for a while)

The gorgeous dining room....

A homemade decorative piece of work featuring those necklaces you want to keep forever...

And finally, Sue's room !!!!!!!!! I can't see any eye masks around, but I'm sure they will have them close by....

It was so lovely to see them both and so great to see all their planning and saving paid off and resulted in this gorgeous home.....ahhhhhhhh
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