Saturday, November 12, 2005

My Head Hurts

Oh dear - we finally got a chance to let our hair down last night and oh boy did we ever !! Bad Annie made me drink saki at some Japanese restaurant and then Bad Hugh made me drink Martinis at this very cool bar in Tampa….we all had a bit of a boogie and lots of laughs….cool.

It's so nice to be able to sleep in one city for two nights in a row, often a rarity when on the road. We've done so much travelling in the past week - here's the amount of gear we have to lug around.....(well Hugh does most of the lugging !!) ; one of our many airport transfers and a view from the sky !

Part of the excitement is checking out all these really weird towns that I would never have had the opportunity to come to before. To be honest - I'll be glad to never go to most of them ever again but Salt Lake City was really cool....i met some really amazing people there and had a great time.


At 3:33 am, Blogger Angela said...

unreal picture sue...such a beautiful view. Salt Lake City is a huge scrapping mecca in the states!


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