The New Regime...
Some of you know this story, some don't, but basically I got told off by a German doctor who told me I have to lose weight because my cholestrol and blood pressure are both high. I'm not sure if it was his thick German accent that did it, but he successfully scared me rather alot and I haven't had takeaway, soft drinks, chocolate or crisps since then and that was nearly 2 months ago !!
He also recommended I see a nutrionist so I spent a very funny 2 hours with this hippy lady where I was either crying or trying to control my laughter as she held both my hands, earnestly looked deep in my eyes and said "you can do this, 2007 is going to be your year". Who knows, she might be right. I've been following lots of her tips, it's just when she thinks I need to spend £50 on "supplements" that I tend to get a little annoyed...
The doctor also said that I should do some exercise so besides the Netball team I have taken up a few new sports. I used to be quite sporty in my day (like 10 years ago!) and I'm quite enjoying getting back into it all. So besides the swimming, my mate Elizabeth and I are playing tennis every week and a couple of weeks before Christmas she even managed to drag me along to BMF with her. BMF (for those down under) is the new craze over here and it basicallly stands for British Milirtary Fitness. It's pretty much as it says on the tin, British Military guys making you fit !!
It was about 10 minutes into the first session that I realised that I actually have never jogged, like ever, in my entire life, let alone done press ups or sit ups or funny jumping star things. I tried as hard as I could and somehow manged to get through the hour with only stopping a couple times. Having a scary looking bloke in army fatigues yelling at you in the early hours of the morning is surprisingly good motivation. The fact that it had been raining solidly for a couple of days meant that the common was basically just mud. I left literally covered head to toe and front to back in mud, my shoes, my trackies, my shirt and even my hair !! But the feeling of accomplishment afterwards was like nothing I've ever felt, so I went back and back and back and it's been 2 months and I'm going back bright and early tomorrow morning...
Either way - it's been a fullfilling (but very painful) few months....but ultimately I've quite enjoyed the adrenalin rush and I'm hoping to continue all of these sports for the immediate future...stay tuned...
Way to go Suzie Q. You have motivated me to shed some more weight. Keep up the great work.
Go Suzy are doing brilliantly and inspiring me to do the same...did 50 laps on Thursday at the pool my personal best!!!
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