Crazy Americans....
Did some good interviews yesterday - it's always nice when someone says something about the subject matter that I didn't know before I got there ! Both of the guys yesterday were sound bite heaven - just kept coming out with line after line of good
One was a journo with size 17 feet !! (and you thought your feet were big Dunk!!) He was so tall that I had to stand on a box to interview him.

I'm not sure if it's because of the rather strange, small towns we've been travelling to but we have meet some of the weirdest people in the last 10 days.
The prize goes to the late night reception guy here at our last hotel. When we arrived the other morning at about 1am he was acting very oddly. When he realised I was Australian he started reeling off every Australian State and Capital city !!!! And then the national animal, and the prime minister and lots of other info even I didn't know - I figured he must have lived there but no, he just happened to know?
He then asked Hugh if he knew sign language? did some and then told Hugh it meant something, well shall we just say, very suggestive and rather rude!!!
Here is the man himself !!
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