Had such a lovely Sunday. Wandered along the South Bank for a while, I really love it there....it doesn't quite compare to the Brisvegas Southbank because there is no artificial pool, but still it's a lovely place to hang out and watch the world go by. I spent 3 and a half years on this boat, the HMS President - it was a little hard to get used to initially (it rocked every time a boat went past !!) but I think it was one of the reasons I fell in love with London.

I then went a met my lovely mate Menko at the Tate Modern for a long lazy Sunday afternoon lunch.
We caught some of the art which I have personally title “Destruction of the Titantic”...not sure what it's real title is !
We got the best seat in the house (mainly due to Menko's eyes!!) and this was our view...right across the Thames to St Pauls...
The London Eye....I can't belive I was actually there when it was being constructed yet I still haven't been on it ! Must do that before the end of the year....

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