I just came across this bit of writing that I had yet to blog so here goes....
I don't want you poms thinking all we do is sunbathe and update our tans so...when I was down under I also did some very exciting and some very "cultural" things...
* I went to a “Business Chicks” breakfast with my friend Sueanne where David Roberts, the author of Shantaram was speaking. It was a really interesting day and I spent most of it being recognise as my "fathers daughter" which was quite sweet. I bought his book and got to speak to him afterwards...

* I attended a reading of my friends Katy & Aletha’s new musical which I’m hoping will be in production and ready for me to attend the opening night of in April next year.

* I went to a poerty/open mic night with my friends Kim & Alicia – which was fun...
* I saw Judith Lucy perform at the Powerhouse with my mate Angela – I’ve been a big fan of Judity for the last 15 years since I first saw her perform the Soap Opera poem on the Big Gig.

So there is a lot of cool cultural stuff happening in Vegas, you just have to go out there and find it...
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