I had a lovely last few weeks in Australia....
There was the breakfast that turned into a 12 hour breakfast/lunch/dinner at Michelle & Sean's.... with a quick game of touch to work off all that Russian food. I taught Isla how to gamble and she ended up winning $20 !!

I had a trip up to Stanthorpe with my close family friends The Rodgers....
Kath was a fantastic tour guide, well she was until our 3 car convoy got a little lost down a dirt track that was more suitable for 4WD's !! Kev soon guided us out though..
I also continued my 31st Birthday celebrations whilst I was up there with this lovely cake...Megan & Kath are also Geminis !! It was lovely to spend time with my godson Rhys...
It was also in Australia that I learnt of the tragic news that my sister Libby lost her baby. Kieran Thomas was not only a son but a grandson, a nephew, a cousin, and whilst we'll never get the opportunity to get to know him personally, he will remain in our minds, and our hearts – forever.
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