The fundraising has been going really well so far, it's very touching the response we've had from all different sorts of people, some who I haven't been in touch with for a while, but still their generosity has been amazing. On Lib & Ian's site - we've just reached the £500 mark and on Rosie and mine's - we're up to £380....and that's not counting all the other cash/cheque/online donations or any of the Australian money !!! So I'm really hoping we'll break the £1000 mark soon....
It's all getting very exciting now, but I'm also getting a little nervous for some reason. It's one thing to do all this training and fundraising but I've only just started to realise in the last couple of days the true significance of what we are doing and how the money we raise can really help families in similiar situations to us.
And at the heart of it of course is the very important fact that this is to honour Kieran's memory...
You've been everything so beautifully Sue I wish I had your talent...love Lib xoxox and good luck to you!!
I mean you've put everything so beautifully....
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