My fascination with eye masks...
I'm not sure where my fascination with eye masks started - I think it was probably around late teens when Mum & Dad came back from one of their overseas trips and gave me their unwanted eye masks from the flight. I guess that was also the beginning of my desire to travel and if involved eye masks - then hey, it must be cool ! I've made it a bit of a tradition now to buy a new one for each trip I go on so that means I have a rather large collection. I also get given a lot but I will share more about them another time perhaps....
Here's the one I bought on the way to Vienna....very comfy and this one features a nice groove for your nose which ensures maximum light blockage...there is even a little slot in the side pocket for your ear plugs but I don't really like ear plugs. I wonder if my mouth guard would fit in there? Hmmmmm...

I have slept with an eye mask every single night of my life since that day back in the early nineties. If I'm ever without one I fashion one out of a tshirt or a tea towel or anything that will not only block out the light, but also put just that tiny bit of pressure on your eyes. For me, that is a sign to my body that it's time for sleep. There's nothing better than waking up before your alarm - letting one eye peep out to read the time on the clock, hitting snooze and rolling over, adjusting the eye mask and going back to sleep...
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