Thursday, December 22, 2005


I went to see Jimeoin tonight - he's still got it !! I remember first seeing him on The Big Gig back in 1988, I loved him then and I still love him now. He's so so so funny, just about really average everyday things.....

I used to love his "did you ever notice that seagulls don't have any eyebrows" routine but that has now been replaced by his "ice" jokes (basically that down under when you have a party you get huge big bags of ice, crack em open with a hammer and spread them round your esky - whilst in the UK you offer up a pitiful tray of ice like "i made this all by myself").

Good Call. Nice Touch.


At 9:21 am, Blogger Angela said...

I remember you 'doing' jimoin from way back when...brought a smile to my face!


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