Hello there, quite a productive day today as I have been offered not 1, not 2 but 3 jobs....it's quite nice to be wanted. Now, if only I could decide which ones I wanted it would be a lot easier ! None of them are highly appealing, but the money is good and they fit in with my social life so I guess that is important. Must decide by tomorrow....

Had a pretty low key weekend. Went out for dinner with some old Zig Zag mates on Friday night, spent saturday strolling around Clapham Common (where I took the pic above on my camera phone), went to a mates Birthday Saturday night and then just chilled on Sunday at Danielas then had my old housemate Rosie over for dinner and we watched a very entertaining foreign film.
I'm working from home today and have had to watch hours and hours of Russian police footage - let's just say that I thought I had seen it all, but I haven't !! And on that note...farewell...
Great pic Suzie Q!!! When are we going to get to see some of this weird footage that you are always getting??
Keep up the fantatsic work with the Blog, it is always entertaining!!
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