Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Sorry for my slackness in writing of late - lots has been going on. I celebrated New Years with a few close friends at a local pub near my home. There was a tube strike threatened so we thought it best to stay close by. For the first time in many years, I have yet to make any New Years Resolutions, I think maybe I will ponder them for a few days and get back to you on that one. It seems a bit boring to just do the usual "drink less" "eat healthier" "exercise more" ones - I'm going to be inventive this year !

The only resolution I remember making at the end of 2004 was to go to America, which I did end up doing (3 times!!) although all of my visits were work related so it's not quite what I had in mind. I'd love to go this year and just travel for a while all in different states - New York, Grand Canyon and Las Vegas are top of the list. I want to spend time in places and not just keep dropping in, doing an interview then running for a plane !!

Most surreal moment of 2005 goes to.....Serial Killer Ivan Milat's brother George teaching me how to fire Ivan Milat's first gun!! Here's the proof....

2005 was a good year, overall more good than bad times. I made 4 half hour films on the future of medical technology, 3 hour films on the psychology of serial killers and 1 hour on the survivors of serial killers. I spent alot of time away from London, travelling for work mostly - I went all over America from Utah to Washington State to Milwaukee to Florida to New Mexico and everywhere inbetween. I spent an interesting 6 weeks in Plymouth (!) and travelled to Paris and Spain and the Lake District to visit Lib.

I was also very lucky to spend some time back in Australia - unfortunately it was literally a flying visit so I only got to see my friends for a day but it was an amazing day at that. We were celebrating my 3oth Birthday. It was so lovely to see everyone, even if it was for such a short abount of time ! Here's some pics:

Hope you are all well and wishing you the very best that 2006 has to offer...



At 12:44 pm, Blogger Angela said...

i have made a list of intentions this year and did a LO on it, you can find it in my gallery at www.scrapbooksandmore.com.au


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