I stayed with Matt & Vic & Arowen on the first night and invited Fiona, Luke, Kristin and Breeze around for dinner. Because I was invading their house I felt it was only right that I provide dinner for them all. I wasn't sure my usual stirfry would reach to 7 so I went for a completely new recipe Chilli Con Carne with lots of help from my assistant chef Victoria.
(ok ok , I was the assistant really). As it turns out Luke wasn't able to make it so there was plenty to go round.

Matthew & Victoria have a unique way of setting the table - depending on their guests, they change the type of magazine, but for a food expert like myself - it was a food magazine...

Mattew & I somehow managed to consume rather too much red wine which resulted in a few huge hangovers the next day. Luckily Arowen stayed off the heavy stuff so she was fine...she was intrigued with Rankin and they became firm friends.... she insisted that he come with us on our sightseeing trip...

Dinner looks yummy. Arowin is so cute. The mag idea is a good one. I might try it in my house too. With the additional asthetic touch of the partially full red wine bottles of course.
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