This is Ian's train...

When my sister first started dating Ian many many years ago - he told her he had a train, we thought he meant a model train....but he didn't. He meant a proper train, a big train, a train that people can sit on...he got rid of that train, but last year he finally purchased another - and HERE IT IS !!

It has a very colourful history this train - it was used in the war and everything. For more info about Ian's train: http://hughesi.460.users.btopenworld.com/frontpage.html
Besides liking trains - Ian also likes steam (probably because they help make the trains go) so recently we went to a "Gathering of Steam Engines" - it was actually quite exciting....they even had old steam rides...

But it was this very very special train was my favourite....if you look closely you'll see why....

awesome! Audrey is sitting on my knee (I klnow it is past 11, but she had a bad dream!) and she has loved seeing the pics!
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