More Vienna Views...

Amber had the genius idea of downloading a walking tour of Vienna onto her ipod so we'd know what was what - she just hadn't quite thought through how we'd both listen to it...
The sign in the background says "kissing the back of your hand makes the sound like a wounded bird" - it's not just that Amber is keen herself...
Amber wonders how long it would take her to climb to the top...
Pretty buildings....
Some lost tourists...
This man really does have the weight of the world on his shoulders...he needs a good osteo...
A lady with long pigtails...
Tills and Amber outside a big pretty building....

"And then Sue made me walk for hours and hours and it was really hot and we weren't allowed to stop for water or anything..."

The bus tour of Vienna - a great way to see bits and bobs and saving your feet some wear and tear... 

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