Well, we did it – it's over, done, completed, accomplished, concluded, finished…
15 people
4 swimming pools
2 countries
Over 350 laps
Nearly £4000 raised to date…
All for 1 cause…
To not only raise money to help SANDS continue their good work, but more importantly, to raise awareness for what continues to be a rather taboo area of bereavement and loss…
A special note from Libby & Ian "The atmosphere was fantastic, everyone was feeling very positive and happy. We surprised even ourselves by focusing on our inner strength and swimming faster than we ever thought we could. The money you have helped raise will go such a long way to helping SANDS help other people who have lost their own Kieran. With love and hugs and tired and sore muscles. A contented Libby & Ian. In memory of Kieran...."
Our fundraising website will be open for a few more weeks: http://www.justgiving.com/kieranhughes