Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What a Glorious Day to become a Pom...

After 9 years, 4 months and 6 days, 5 different types of Visas and god knows how much ££££ - a few weeks ago I pledged my "true" allegiance to Her majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second (and her Heirs & Successors etc etc etc blah blah blah) and officially became a British Citizen.... it just makes things easier for travel, and I will still be supporting Australia in all sporting fixtures, until further notice...

The location for the exciting occassion was the Brixton Town Hall and I was given my certificate by the Lord Mayor of Lambeth !! It reminded me of my graduation ceremony, with the addition of the British national anthem...The nerves set in... The long list of difficult to pronounce names went on....And then the moment came, and up I went...I was very excited to make it all the way up and back without tripping over...Some celebratory champagne and "british" presents from claire (including my favourite, a spoon with the Queen Mother on it !)
A welcome email from a fellow British citizen...
Dear Susan,

On behalf of the Monarch and all the glorious peoples of this land, I would like to welcome you to the happy, if slightly disfunctional family, that is Great Britain. It's been great having you as a tenant; nice to know you will, henceforth, be an owner/occupier. May God bless you and all your endeavours in the name of this country (obviously excluding all sporting ones, which we will continue to do abysmally at).

Yours fraternally,


The missing ferris wheel shot from Vienna !!!

Images from Spain

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ice Cream, Ice Cream, I want Ice Cream !

It was Richards birthday quite a few weeks ago so we all went round for a bit of a barbie...
I like to keep an eye on things...

Emma steals Alfred for a moment...And Sam and Charlie find an icecream van !!

It reminded me of my youth...

Happy Birthday Daniela...

We had a lovely celebration a few weeks ago for Daniela's birthday...

Daniela and her mate Kevin and Dan looking at photos of themselves...

Lisa attempting to put my hat on a reluctant birthday girl... Lisa's brother Chris tastes the wine for us...
Reading out her favourite cards...

Congrats to Jason & Mel ....

...on their recent engagement....bout time I say !!

The Stunning McGregors

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Silly Magazine Covers of my mates...

Libby... Claire...
Fourth cousin twice removed James...
My colleague Dave (he likes to fish...)

My colleague Dan (he likes to ski)...

Naomi and Richard... Cest Moi...

Cest Moi again... Elizabeth & Alfred...