Sunday, December 31, 2006


I was very excited to go to my first ever Panto a couple of weeks ago. I've been meaning to see one for years, but I never quite get round to organising it. I was eager to go along and see all those rejected aussie soap starts, but we went to a much classier panto of Peter Pan.

I finally got to say those three little words that mean to much to English people - IT’s BEHIND YOU !!

I'm not quite sure if you are allowed to take photos, but one of Rosies friends did and I am very glad he did !! Bobby Davro (a very dodgy British comedian type is in the stripes) and Henry Winkler (aka. THE FONZ) played Hook...
I was really hoping that he would do one of his "heys" or click his fingers and make the lights turn on or something like that, but sadly, he didn't...

It was Daniela's first time too...

Thanks to Rosie (on the right) for organising it !


There seems to have been a Christmas party for every occasion in the last few weeks – new work drinks, old work drinks, netball drinks, book club drinks, work friends drinks, other friends drinks. Not that I'm complaing, it's been really lovely to see everyone, but think I might have to give my liver a bit of a rest in the New Year....

Here’s a few more pics from the work Christmas do…

The Team….

The Bond girls...

Bond girls with the baddie !
The journey home…

Naomi and her tree…

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Entertainment, Parthenon Entertainment

Most companies like to throw a bit of a gathering for their employees - a few nibbles, some crackers and some cask wine maybe if they're really lucky. Parthenon are a bit different - last year they took their staff here...

And this year we all went to Cardiff to join in with some other companies that we have some sort of relationship with. We were told that it was a "Bond Theme" so we quickly started organising costumes and props and all that...The girls got away with just looking nice....

I went to a little more trouble but will upload the other photos at a later date but here is Rob and I...his moustache got a little way laid...

It was a really fun night all round and would have been even better if any of the other 159 people at the party had been told that it was a "Bond" theme !!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

FINALLY !!!!!!

After many months of nagging and even going out and buying them their very own webcam - I finally managed to speak to Mum and Dad on the webcam for the first time the other night.
They didn't quite get the sound working so we still had to talk via the speaker phone on the landline, but they are getting there !

Very Brixton

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Starting Them Young

Dad was eager to show Isla the inner workings of the game he loves so much. And thankfully Australia were winning the Ashes at the time...I think she likes it...

Back Where They Belong

Monday, December 18, 2006

A special call out...

To Tamar, Jo and Mia,
A few of my friends who actually read my blog, and lie and say they enjoy reading it !


It's a bit annoying when your pet rubber duckie travels more than you do but a friend took Rankin on a little trip around Europe a couple of weeks ago. He had a lovely time and saw lots of amazing sites.... On the Bank of the Danube Vienna... Enjoying a beer in Brussels... On the St Charles Bridge in Prague... Lake Lucerne with his new furry friend... At a Truck Stop in Germany - I'm not quite sure where he learnt to read German !
Rome ...

The Bever Fridge

This is a photo of the front of my fridge. It has lots of pretty things on it, like magnets that I have collected from all over the world and photos of my nearest and dearest.

I love those two photos of my dad taken 50 years (??!) apart, but still at your service...

And this is a photo of the weirdest thing that ever happened in my fridge - the mystery of the random exploding smoothie...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dust on the Tracks...

Yes people, I kid you not - "dust on the tracks" was an actual excuse given by the rail networks explaining for the late running of trains... Whatever next !

Round my neck of the woods, they just blame Signal Failure...Either way - a journey home that would usually take 1 hr 15 took 2 and a half hours !! It's time like these that I miss my old 15 minute drive to QCA...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Libby modelling her new very stylish "winter" look...Lib & Ian hanging by the fountain in Trafalgar Square...
The reason they came down was to meet Libby's friend Lara and her husband...We took them on the "Macca Sisters" Tour of London....
Then for a stroll along the Thames where I captured this lovely shot of Westminster through a hole in some scaffolding...

It's SCOTCH tape not STICKY Tape

I found this photo in an old folder and wanted to blog it for Dad.

It was taken in a Target in the States last year. A display of SCOTCH tape, right next to a display of post it notes !!

And BINGO was his name O...

All together now...
And Bingo was his name O.
Sorry, just had to break into song there for a moment.

Some friends and I decided, rather randomly to go to Bingo a couple of weeks ago - we looked rather out of place amongst the blue rinses and walking sticks but it was a fun evening. It's amazing how it gets the adrenalin going - I was frantically trying to keep up with the caller, but it didn't matter anyway because I didn't win any money...

A Typical Weekend...

The end of a mad week... Meeting Naomi on a rainy London night on Oxford Street... Saturday morning Tennis with Elizabeth... Sunday afternoon Movie with Daniela...


I've been rather lucky in the recent months to have not one, but TWO visits from Libby & Ian. The first time they came Libby & I had a lovely "bonding" day with our Cousin Trina. We had a great spot for lunch with a view of the Thames...

In the back of a black cab...

We went to the Tate and I got in trouble taking this photograph of St Pauls out the window...
Lib, Ian and I passed some time by googling ourselves, as you do. The odd thing is that lots of the Libby's were teachers and authors and some of the Ian's were musical !