I had the lovely honour of having my very *old friend Kristin come and stay with me the other week for 24 hours whilst she was passing through London on top secret "official" Australian government business.
We managed to fit rather a lot in - we went and checked out Jacqui & Brad's fantastic new place; bought her a gorgeous new leather jacket; witnessed an attempted bank robbery in Brixton; got lost in Hyde park; ate lunch (& drank some lovely red wine) at the Tate Modern (yet somehow managing not to see ANY art); worked out how to save the world; rode on a 5 storey slippery slide; napped; drank g&t's & sipped cocktails in some of Soho's finest establishments; caught the night bus home (!) & ended our visit with a very memorable breakfast at my favourite local cafe where the waiter invited Tills to go and stay with him in Portugal on her next visit !! I'm not sure if she's going to take him up on his offer or not...
Here are the enormous slides at the Tate - now that I think about it - technically we "rode" art, rather than "saw" it as such, but I'm sure that still counts...

Menko & Tills before the big ride...

Menko & Brad's new street...

Menko outside her new pad...

Kristin shows off Menko's fancy kitchen...

Brad & his brother attempt to put up a new bookshelf...

Kristin's friend Fiona sips on a cocktail...

And finally - the view from the Tate Restaurant...

* old as in, have known her since 1984, not old as in - she is a young looking 84 year old...