And then she said...
Brissy girl currently living in London and making television and things like that.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
The Sights of Brisvegas
The Breaky Creek Hotel...

Home of XXXX - Australia's favourite beer !!

My Mate Angela
Some old photos I came across...just to show us in our "youth" !! At school....
On the way to a dance in Year 11 - and yes, I am wearing a skirt !!
On the Ski Trip in 1992 -(she's in the red, I'm in the blue) the first and last time I ever went skiing, really must go again soon...
Lots of pretty things to see...
Isla had a little bit of an "accident" with the fruit Tash had lovingly prepared...
I love that look of "what? You mean you're not supposed to tip the fruit on the grass?"


Patricia Kathleen Lane has married Blair Graeme McGregor in a ceremony at Holy Spirit Church, New Farm. Brian McGregor and Bill Ward were bestman and groomsman and Margaret Lane and Margaret Hamley were bridesmaids. A fortune teller predicted that many other Margarets would also come to play important roles in her life. Their reception, attended by 120 close friends and family members, was held at the Tennis Club in Milton.
The newly married couple took a surprise detour on their way to the reception when they visited Patricia’s old school All Hallows where all the nuns that had taught Patricia excitedly lined up in the parlour to see the bridal party. One nun was overheard to remark “Patricia looks so lovely it almost makes me want to have a wedding dress myself”.
Sister Margaret (Patricia’s sister, not one of the nuns) was a student at All Hallows and for the first time in the school’s history, was granted permission to have the day off to get her hair done. Margaret, 15 years old, of New Farm said “It’s a shame that Pat will now be moving in with Blair, I used to love collecting all the 20 cent pieces off our roof which he used to throw up there to get her attention”.
Asked why she chose the date of her husband’s birthday to get married on Patricia replied – “it was the only way I could ensure he wouldn’t forget our anniversary”. Blair, known for his sense of humour later remarked “Patricia is the biggest and best gift I’ve ever received”. The prize for the most original telegram goes to Blair’s work colleagues who simply wrote three little words “Happy Birthday Blair”.
Sister Margaret (Patricia’s sister, not one of the nuns) was a student at All Hallows and for the first time in the school’s history, was granted permission to have the day off to get her hair done. Margaret, 15 years old, of New Farm said “It’s a shame that Pat will now be moving in with Blair, I used to love collecting all the 20 cent pieces off our roof which he used to throw up there to get her attention”.
Asked why she chose the date of her husband’s birthday to get married on Patricia replied – “it was the only way I could ensure he wouldn’t forget our anniversary”. Blair, known for his sense of humour later remarked “Patricia is the biggest and best gift I’ve ever received”. The prize for the most original telegram goes to Blair’s work colleagues who simply wrote three little words “Happy Birthday Blair”.

Patricia Kathleen Lane, of New Farm and Blair Graeme McGregor, of Red Hill have announced their engagement. They first met at a party in 1958 but did not start going out until 1962 when they met again at a fundraising event for the Xavier Mt Olivet Younger Set held at the Queensland Cricket Club where Blair was a member. Patricia, a former Queensland Spelling Bee champion, said “well yes, it’s true that it took him 4 years to ask me out so when the marriage proposal took another 4 years I wasn’t that surprised really”. 34 year old Blair, a Sales Executive with 3M, responded “I was pretty confident she’d say yes so just thought – what’s the rush?”
Blair finally proposed on 29 September 1966 which was also his mothers birthday. Patricia’s father Maurice Lane said “I was relieved when Blair asked for her hand in marriage. I think he’s a top bloke, besides that little incident when he scratched my car, but I’ve managed to forgive him for that now”.
They plan an April wedding for next year. Asked if she intended on keeping her bank job after marriage Patricia replied “Oh yes, I’d love to continue on with my role and I don’t see anything that could possibly interfere with that at this stage…”.
THE RECONSTRUCTION…40 years later...
Part of the reason I was in Australia was to help celebrate my paretns 40th Wedding Anniversary. They were lucky enough to have all the members of their original party there so we thought we'd start with a little bit of a reconstruction...I start by comparing the old photo to the new line up…
Oh no – we don’t have any posies for the flower girl – uncle brian to the rescue..
right, so we have posies let’s go
Brian re-enacts some of Dad’s famous snake hips moves…
Diane wipes away tears of laughter…
Dad and Bill discuss the final touches...
And finally...with everyones glasses off...
Barefoot Bowls