The Latest From Isla's World...
I can't imagine where she picked up that bad habit from??!!

I wouldn't touch those feet if you paid me !!!!! I do hope you washed her hands afterwards...

Brissy girl currently living in London and making television and things like that.
I can't imagine where she picked up that bad habit from??!!
....for Aussies living in London.
I was SO tempted to smuggle one out with me...
but instead i settled on buying these little guys...
I had a lovely visit a few weeks ago with my Cousin Trina, her husband Andy and their two beautiful kids Maddy and Toby....
Claire, Naomi & another fellow Aussie - Lorelle...It was a fun filled evening having a pug dog in the house. I was told he was house trained but he soon proved that to be totally untrue when he peed not once, but twice, in my room, on my carpet !!!!!!!! I was only told that he woudln't sleep alone so I had to let him sleep on my bed (not the best thing for someone slightly OCD obsessive about dog hairs !!!). He started off the night at the end of the bed (where I thought he belonged...)
And soon ended up next to my face (where HE thought he belonged !!)...
The next day we went for a walk in the park and I think he was a little worn out by the end of the weekend and he had a really lovely time and he is welcome back anytime...