Interview with a Cannibal
Just came across this old article on the company website:
"Filming can easily cost an arm and a leg these days... especially when you're interviewing a real live cannibal.
Intrepid director Sue McGregor and researcher Jon McKnight found themselves face to face with Nico Claux, known in his native France as The Vampire Of Paris, during filming for our Sky One series Born ToKill?
Nico, relaxing in a goth pub in London last weekend, regaled us with tales of how he murdered a stranger in cold blood, mutilated rotting corpses in graves he had robbed, took doggie-bags home from the mortuary he worked in, and then ate (and in some cases cooked) human flesh.He was jailed for 12 years, served less than eight, and is now a freeman. So that's all right, then.
As one of the few living cannibals who could give us an insight into the mind-set of Milwaukee serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, Nico revealed that he was fired from his job in a mortuary a few months ago when his background was discovered but has since been given a job in yet another morgue.In perfect English, the highly-articulate and deeply philosophicalc annibal said he was a Satanist who was relishing going to Hell; that the only thing stopping him murdering again was the unpleasantness ofjail; and that he and his girlfriend, who was with him at the interview, regularly drink each other's blood.
All of which gave Jon a challenge for the risk-assessment."The risk was obvious, as he is a convicted murder and cannibal, and I assessed the risk as High," said Jon. "I wasn't sure what to put underAction Taken, so settled for 'Ensured cannibal was well-fed before filming began'."