I began packing my suitcase for Christmas journey at about 2am on the Friday night when I got home from another Christmas gathering...randomly throwing in various articles of clothing, lots of DVD's and books, presents for everyone, a toothbrush and all of the cards and presents friends and family had sent me from all over the world. I caught the train to Penrith and was met at the station by Lib & Ian. It was only when I got in the car that I realised I had a little extra present that I had forgotten about but my mind went back to an email Dunk had sent me. Somthing about "10 kg" and "heavy" and "don't overpack" came to mind. Too late now...
So Libby, Ian, my 10 kg present and I set off. We stopped a lovely services on the way and had some lunch and then continued up the relatively quiet motorway. I lasted about 3 minutes before I started poking my box - I was trying to tear away the plastic covering, desperate to see what was inside, but under the ever watchful eye of Ian in the rear view mirror, I had no luck !! My mind was reeling.....what could it be? why is it so heavy? can I eat it? do I wear it?
It was a whole 2 more days until I was allowed to open it. I was beside myself with excitement . It really brought back the whole excitement of Christmas for me, the way I used to sleep with one eye open on Christmas eve waiting for "Santa" to come into my room, take the cookies and milk and leave me some presents....It helped having a 13 year old around !! We agreed to meet back at the house at 6am to open the present...
It was a sleepless night as I tossed and turned, wondering what could be in my mysterious box, unfortunately that also meant that I didn't sleep much so I was greeted by a rather unhappy 13 year old when I rocked up around 930!!! But finally, I was faced with the moment of truth...

Can you tell what it is yet?

It's a stepping machine !!!! It was certainly the sweetest, most unique, and the heaviest christmas present I have ever received. I got on straight away and we all took turns to give it a go. It was only when I was packing up to leave that i realised that i had to somehow get this new addition back to London with me !!
The Hughes Men came to the rescue with a intricate design involving plastic bags, rope and even a special padded handle....

Here I am - all packed up and ready to go....suitcase, backpack (with laptop and external hard drive), handbag, extra shopping bags containing the 2 pairs of shoes, 4 tops, 1 coat and about 15 pairs of socks I had bought and finally, the box....

I made it on to the train, just, and only with the help of Ian...it was only when I got back to London that I saw this sign. Apparently the train offer a luggage service !!!

Oh well...maybe next year...