First of all - Happy Australia Day to youse* all...
I had a very different Australia Day this year. Usually I find a couple of drinks with some good Aussie mates is a sufficient way of celebrating but this year, I wanted to be different, so I played netball. Now, playing netball itself is a rather Australian thing to do one might say, the only difference when playing netball in London is that, despite the fact that it’s the middle of winter – there are NO indoor courts so you have to play outdoors ! Just to prove it – here is a pic of the temperature on a billboard next to the court…

yes 3 DEGREES and this was at 7pm !! Here I am in my big winter coat walking to the game…it must have been at least -3 with the wind factor...

It was so cold that I had to put on my nice woollen jumper for the second half. The shooting seems to have come back though – it was great fun – some of them didn’t even touch the sides !! And one of them the umpire didn’t believe went in ! Luckily the Center from the other team stood up for me and it got counted !
Went to pick up our new house guest Emma from the airport last night – it was very amusing as I had never met her before and only had a small photo to go from. There weren’t too many young Australian girls coming through but I was worried I would miss her so I made this very embarrassing sign….

We made our way back to mine to dump her stuff and I promptly whisked her off to the nearest club to introduce her to the London way of life….she did very well to last till 3am but, as expected, is feeling a little worse for wear today !! As am I…
* yes Mum, I know that isn't a proper word and it probably better to be used in the spoken, rather the written context - but I thought it sounded funny !!